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Halloween Tarot

The Halloween Tarot is great for doing shadow work. Shadow work becomes important as we race to self alchemy. Shadow work is uncovering who you are and letting go of the carefully constructed self images. As a defense we tend to see in others what we deny in our selves. Shadow work is about uncovering layers of suppressed emotions like anger, bitterness or shame. Children are taught to hide these feelings, so they do just that. We are taught early on to disconnect from what we feel, but those feelings remain a part of us lurking in the shadows of our hearts and minds. The shadow self takes over when the right situation presents itself. We see many people including ourselves living with regrets over the actions their behaviour caused. We don't like facing ourselves but we must. Many ways to start but to begin:

Affirm your self and love yourself.

Go back to the past and revisit every time you saw negative in others and begin to see where you also were negative.

Stop being a victim..

Seek Professional help.

As always OmShreemBrzee

Halloween Tarot
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